Society for Equal Dignity of Children

Children as the soul of the society

Children are not only the future, but the very soul of a nation. They need to be loved, cared and supported for strong mental and physical growth. Every child, whether born to a poor or rich Person, has needs for survival and development. It is the responsibility of the society to allocate resources for the holistic development of every child.


Some Vital Statistics

As per census 2011

43.53 lakhs

children in age group of 5-14 were found in Child Labor.

As per Planning Commission/Niti
Aayog data for 2011-12

26.97 crore

people were living below poverty line
which is 29.92% of total population.

As per census of 2011, 65 million people were living in slums .

How we help children



Computers have a great contribution in the field of education. It is one of the best gifts of technology. Therefore we have opened computer centers to provide skills in operating the computer.



Children are made to go through Physical activities/exercises and meditation for  improvement in  their  physical and mental health.



Setting up facilities such as schools in slums and derelict areas for the education of neglected children.

Become a volunteer

Dear Prospective Volunteer,
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with SEDC. We need volunteers in large numbers.

We rely on the dedication and passion of our volunteers to accomplish our mission of providing neglected children their right to education .